Group A Playtest Notes and Devlog

Playtest Notes:
Zeru Hu-
- Has played Gungeon, says it feels similar to the original game
- Thought the player shouldn’t be able to dodge roll while shooting
- Thought difficulty was a little easy
- Suggested adding more cover and enemies
- Hearts aren’t showing up unless played in fullscreen
Kyra Zimmerman-
- Never played gungeon before
- Some jittery movement and UI not fully shown in some cases
- Decorations thought were interactable
- Wanted health indicators
- Nice Linear Hallways are fun
- SHe died and struggled a fair amount
- Challenging, but not too challenging, fun balance between fun and difficulty
- Pointing and clicking feels really good
- Bullet Kin can Block bullets, unclear if they are being hurt
- It’s nice for lack of major bugs, just needs UI fixes.
- Kyra really enjoys it, didn’t realize dodgeroll and blanks were an option.
- Indicators for being hit and for hitting enemies.
- Could try UI scaling with screen size
- Could try adding some end title screen or part
- Fair difficulty, got the grasp for it pretty fast, biggest hurdle is getting used to new controls.
- Dodge roll did not feel as useful, she did not use the blanks at all lol
- Little Lost in direction.
- She would enjoy more instances for dodge roll or blank. More difficulty? Faster enemies? She forgot about them.
- Movement is really nice.
- Randomization and weapon switching works really well
- Nice handling and aesthetic similar to Gungeon.
Eric Ni Dev Log:
11/3: Discussing and ideation with the rest of the group on what kind of items we want to integrate and how to scale the project as a whole. Began to personally work on the assets individually before doing a hard integration and merge via copy-pasting code/assets. I began creating a base gun that rotates in my own individual project room.
11/10 - 17: Created gun assets. Included sprites and learning Quaternions to use for gun rotation around the player. Fully implemented the base gun and ability to pick up the gun and shoot. Also added the gun reloading and gun reload timer. This was implemented into the base game with the character and merged.
12/8: Completed merge and inclusion of other two guns. The guns fully operate with different shooting patterns, reloading times, and fire on button push down.
12/14: Added three new items, the HeartBottle, RedBullet, and SpeedBoots which give certain stat bonuses to health, damage, and speed respectively. Additionally added dynamic switching between the multiple guns that are picked up and resolved bugs across previous renditions or gun behaviors.
12/18-21: Added the Portal Object and scene changes, allowing for reloading of the scene upon death and elimination of all enemies in the room. Fixed some extra bugs and code lost within merges.
Iris Dev Log:
The first week we spent the majority of the time deciding on what games to create a clone of, while also thinking about the assets that we would need in our clone of the game. We decided to work on the most core part of the clone of the game first, which was the shooting aspect of entering the gungeon. The rest of the in game functions such as in game shops, particle effects, etc would come later.
During the second week, we decided on the individual things that we would work on and started working on it. Before I started to work on the sprites or art assets that we would need, I took some time trying out Enter the Gungeon. After I got the general idea of the theme of the game, I worked on the character sprites and different tiles that we might need in our game.
Third Week, creating 8 directional sprites took much longer than I had thought. 8 Idle animations, 8 walking animations, 6~9 sprites per one walking movement. Struggled trying to get all the animation to trigger. Learned how to use a blend tree for the first time.
Week 4, Tried to figure out the Tile setting for Unity. Unity has a problem with their tilesets where the sprites need to be in an exact measurement as sprites cannot be resized or edited once it's in the title form. I realized how to solve this problem after trying out different ways. Had a long vc call with the team though the night on discord (chill meeting), resolved merging issues on gitkraken.
Final Week, kept working on tilesets and attempted to implement rolling animations. In the end I was unable to add this as I was unable to get the animations to trigger. I got quite confused on how to use timers. Added in the enemy movement animations and fixed the broken 8 directional movement. Had some corrupted files on git but resolved it by moving files.
Wesley Dev Log:
Week 1: Game selection and project setup. We spent the majority of this week discussing which games we could develop and ultimately settled on Enter the Gungeon because of its numerous mechanics that relate to our previous projects. I developed movement code for the player (including dodge rolling) as a jumping-off point for a starting project on git. We also created a Google docs to plan which features we would tackle and sort which were more important than others.
Week 2: Enemy pathfinding. Took longer than expected, but I basically followed along an A* pathfinding tutorial to add the code to the project. There were some general problems, especially with shaking enemies and enemies getting stuck on walls, but after much trial and error, I was able to fix.
Week 3: Enemy behavior. After the pathfinding was implemented, it was time to add enemy shooting and interactions with the player. For the blobulon enemies, it was pretty easy, requiring just a player health script when they touch the player. For the bullet kin enemies, I was able to riff off of Eric’s player gun script to create the shooting for the enemies. Also added some physics when the player blanks, pushing the enemies backwards.
Week 4: Audio, UI, and final push bug fixes. With the base mechanics all down, I worked on sounds and music for the project. The night before, we had a big call where we put everything together into one scene. It wasn’t without its hiccups, with several bugs appearing, especially with UI and layers, but we were finally able to get it working.
Week 5: Bug fixing and tuning. Project was pretty much complete at this point, which meant we were able to just focus on some non-destructive bugs that arised during playtesting, such as the blanks not appearing in the UI, which I fixed easily. At that point, all we had to do was put everything together and submit!
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